Recruiting Game Girls Is Risky For The Overall Growth Of Any Organization

Recruiting Game Girls Is Risky For The Overall Growth Of Any Organization

Imagine a scenario where you are working your a** off – sacrificing a good, healthy and happy family life just so that your office work is done on time and efficiently…but when it came to promotions and appraisals, you see yourself below the ‘employee’ who hardly puts in any quality labour in the growth of the Organisation!

This is a very common happening in many organisations that goes unheard or unseen by the main boss or CEO! Often it has been observed that ‘sassy-shameless’ female employees take advantage of their well-endowed bodies, good looks (very plain or even below average looks also work equally fine with sleazy & depraved male Reporting Heads (RH) btw.) and sheer shamelessness to ‘sleep’ their way up the corporate ladder!

In such cases, the RH and the shameless female employee just see their temporary ‘fun’ time together & become extremely selfish! The fact that the rest of the employees – that include both men and women – too are observing such sheer shamelessness and are getting de-motivated by such occurrences hardy matter to the selfish creatures!

As a result of this, the truly talented performers start looking for greener pastures – and leave the Organisation with immediate effect! Ultimately what the Organisation is left with are couple of depraved, selfish Management heads, some cheap shameless employees and other mediocre workers somehow working with their hearts and minds full of grudges!

Result – Zero Output…and eventually the company has to close down!

Conclusion – the educated but depraved and shameless workers may still get a job in the job market…but the ones who truly suffer are the average brained, less educated/ talented workers who again have to look for a job to re-establish themselves from a scratch! Hit again with the nightmare of un-employment, such employees suffer along with their entire family!


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